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Oatlands Leisure Gardens

Welcome to Oatlands Leisure Gardens


Our current site opened in March 2010 following relocation from our previous site approximately 500 yards away. 


The old site is being developed by Bett / Avant Homes who have designed and constructed the new allotments.  As we are part of a new housing development, the individual plots at Oatlands are designed to have a garden feel to them with fencing, paths and sheds. 


Whilst our allotment is smaller than average we are a friendly group of gardeners and new members are welcomed to the site. We have a range of experience from new growers to those with decades of experience and knowledge to share among others.


In 2015 we were awarded a grant from the Sainsbury's Welsh and Scottish Community Grant Fund which was used to purchase high quality soil for each plot holder.


Oatlands Leisure Gardens have a total of 16 plots with a mixture of whole plots and half plots. Whilst our plots are smaller than on many sites, they are of equal size and all benefit from having their own shed.



There is a small communal storage area although we are looking at ways to make better use of this space.


We also have an excellent clubhouse with tea / coffee making facilities, toilets and more importantly somewhere to shelter from the rain and wind!


New members will be allocated a half plot intially and we have a process in place to enable members to upsize to whole plots. We also allow members to downsize to a half plot if they find a whole plot too much to manage.


Below are links to some websites that you might find helpful if you are thinking about getting an allotment or looking to grow your own fruit and veg at home.

General Gardening Resources...


New Members Plot Allocating Policy


To prevent delays when allocating available plots we operate the following policy when offering plots to new members...


  • When you reach the top of the waitling list and a suitable plot becomes available the secretary will contact you (using the details you provided) to inform you of plot availability/if you wish to remain on the list.  You will be given 2 weeks to respond.

  • If no response after the 2 week period, further contact will be made repeating the above information and giving you an additional 2 weeks to respond. If you fail to respond you will be moved to the bottom of the waiting list.

  • If no response after a further 2 weeks, contact made again to inform you that you are bottom of the waiting list and if they don’t respond within 2 weeks you will be removed altogether. 


Ready to Start Growing?


If you are ready to start growing your own fruit and veg and are interested in getting a plot at the Oatlands Leisure Gardens please complete the form below (or email our secretary) and you will be added to our waiting list.


When you reach the top of the waitling list and a suitable plot becomes available our secretary will contact you using the details you provide below. If your details change please ensure you provide us with your new contact details.


There is an annual membership fee of £10 per plot/half plot in addition to Glasgow City Council's fee. All new members will initially be offered a half plot with the opportunity to expand to a full plot.

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